Will there be a mini version of yourself running around your house soon? Then you are currently blessed with a nice round belly. But that also means that your skin can suddenly change a lot. Some experience a 'pregnancy glow', others experience a serious hormone balance. Your skin is your largest organ. It is important to spend time on this. You need the right and efficient products to take care of your skin.
Take extra care of your skin with these tips.
Zeitschild for pregnant (future) moms
During pregnancy, the growing belly can become very itchy. It is often recommended to lubricate greasy creams and all kinds of oil, so that your skin remains supple. That's certainly a good idea, but not if you have to get dressed afterwards. The BR cream from Zeitschild is the barrier-repairer par excellence and quickly penetrates your skin.
In addition, our products do not contain any foreign substances, making them safe for mom and baby.
Being pregnant does wonders for your wrinkles for several months.
Because you retain extra moisture during pregnancy, the fine lines disappear like snow in the sun.
Unfortunately, the wrinkles come back after childbirth. Skin problems occur due to hormone fluctuations and little sleep. Also during breastfeeding, your hormone balance is so disrupted that there is a good chance that you will suffer from sagging skin, which leads to more wrinkles and acne.
No worries mommy, we've got you((r) skin) covered!
Keep your skin young
Did you know that skin aging is a process that starts long before you see the first wrinkle? When we are about 30 years old, it really starts: our skin is slowly aging visibly.
When we are still young, our body produces enough collagen and elastin fibers. As you get older, your body makes less of these substances. A skin that ages, therefore, slowly but surely loses its elasticity. She becomes slacker and then those dreaded wrinkles appear. Wrinkles, fine lines and a tired appearance can be reduced by taking good care of your skin.
For stimulation and production of the skin's own collagen and elastin, we recommend the Zeitschild Anti-Wrinkle serum. Deeper wrinkles are continuously smoothed out by the highly concentrated serum with a molecular combination of 4 hyaluronic acids.
Eye cream against wrinkles
The skin around the eyes needs special care because it:
- is thinner than the rest of the skin
- has no subcutaneous fat tissue for extra protection
- is in a very mobile zone and is therefore more sensitive to wrinkles
- has smaller pores, which means that ordinary cream is less well absorbed
Zeitschild eye contour cream serum with firming anti-wrinkle formula provides a long-lasting solution.
The eye cream can even be applied to the moving eyelid. For optimal results, apply the cream with your fingertips.
Good to know: the eye cream is also very friendly in combination with your make-up and does not leave a grainy effect on the face!
dr. Nancy Anthone – Aesthetic Arts on Jan 17, 2022
“Normally I'm not a fan of eye creams, but I'm really blown away by the Zeitschild ones! The first and only that works efficiently against bags, puffiness and tired eyes! I can recommend him to everyone!”
What else can you do to prevent wrinkles?
Always protect your eyes in the sun, because the skin here is already thinner and therefore more susceptible to UV rays.
Clean your eyelids with a mild cleanser. One that will not only cleanse but also moisturize and nourish the eye area.
If you want to know more about our skin care products or have other questions you want to ask us?
Feel free to send an email to gaelle@zeitschild.be or contact us via our contact form .
Love the skin you're in!
Love, Gaelle
Beste Griet,
De producten van Zeitschild zijn zeker inzetbaar tijdens de zwangerschap. Je mag ze steevast blijven gebruiken.
Wel raden we af om onze nachtcrème dagelijks te gebruiken aangezien deze ook een Vitamine A derivaat bevat.
Ik ben op zoek naar een goede (gelaats)verzorging die ook veilig te gebruiken is tijdens de zwangerschap. Zijn zeitschild producten hiervoor ok? Tot op heden gebruikte ik Environ die afgeraden wordt (door de vitamine a)
Alvast bedankt